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10 marca 2025

Intuicje międzykulturowe (2018/2019)

Seminarium poświęcone jest problematyce różnic międzykulturowych oraz międzygrupowych w zakresie potocznych intuicji badanych przez filozofię eksperymentalną.

Prowadzący: Katarzyna Kuś, Adrian Ziółkowski

BLOK I: Wprowadzenie do filozofii eksperymentalnej – intuicje filozoficzne i ich rola w filozofii

  1. Nadelhoffer T., Nahmias E. (2007) The past and future of experimental philosophy, „Philosophical Explorations” 10, 123-149.
  2. Cohnitz, D., & Haukioja, J. (2015). Intuitions in philosophical semantics. Erkenntnis, 80(3), 617-641.
  3. Andow, James (2015). How Distinctive Is Philosophers’ Intuition Talk? Metaphilosophy 46 (4-5):515-538.

BLOK II: Badania międzykulturowe w filozofii eksperymentalnej

  1. Sechrest, L., Fay, T. L., & Zaidi, S. M. H. (1972). Problems of translation in cross cultural research. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 3(1), 41–56.
  2. Kasaki, M. (2017). Problems of Translation for Cross-Cultural Experimental Philosophy. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 34(3), 481-500.

BLOK III: Etyka – różnice międzykulturowe w intuicjach moralnych

  1. Sarkissian, H., Park, J., Tien, D., Wright, J., & Knobe, J. (2011). Folk moral relativism. Mind and Language, 26(4), 482–505.
  2. Ahlenius, H., & Tännsjö, T. (2012). Chinese and Westerners respond differently to the trolley dilemmas. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 12(3–4), 195–201.
  3. Gold, N., Andrew M. C., Briony D. P. (2014). Cultural differences in responses to real-life and hypothetical trolley problems. Judgment and Decision Making, 9(1), 65–76.
  4. Arutyunova, K. R., Alexandrov, Y. I., & Hauser, M. D. (2016). Sociocultural influences on moral judgments: East-West, male–female, and young–old. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1334.

BLOK IV: Filozofia języka – różnice międzykulturowe w intuicjach dotyczących odniesienia nazw własnych

  1. Machery, E., Mallon, R., Nichols, S., & Stich, S. P. (2004). Semantics, cross-cultural style. Cognition, 92(3), B1-B12.
  2. Martí, G. (2008). Against semantic multi-culturalism. Analysis, 69(1), 42-48
  3. Lam, Barry (2010). Are cantonese speakers really descriptivists? Revisiting cross-cultural semantics. Cognition, 115 (2):320–32.
  4. Mallon, R., Machery, E., Nichols, S., & Stich, S. (2009). Against arguments from reference. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 79(2), 332-356.
  5. Machery, E., Stich, S. (2012) Experimental philosophy of language [w:] G. Russell, D. G. Fara (red.) Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Language, New York: Routledge, s. 495-512.
  6. Andow, J. (2014). Intuitions, disagreement and referential pluralism. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 5(2), 223-239.
  7. Beebe, J. R., & Undercoffer, R. J. (2015). Moral valence and semantic intuitions. Erkenntnis, 80(2), 445-466.
  8. Sytsma, J., Livengood, J., Sato, R., & Oguchi, M. (2015). Reference in the land of the rising sun: A cross-cultural study on the reference of proper names. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 6(2), 213-230.

BLOK V: Epistemologia – różnice międzykulturowe w intuicjach dotyczących wiedzy

  1. Weinberg J. M., Nichols S., Stich S. (2001) Normativity and epistemic intuitions, „Philosophical Topics” 29(1-2), 429-460.
  2. Seyedsayamdost H. (2015) On Normativity and Epistemic Intuitions: Failure of Replication, „Episteme” 12 (1), 95-116.
  3. Kim M., Yuan Y. (2015) No Cross-Cultural Differences in the Gettier Car Case Intuition: A Replication study of Weinberg et al. 2001, „Episteme” 12(3), 355-361.
  4. Machery, Edouard, Stephen Stich, David Rose, Amita Chatterjee, Kaori Karasawa, Noel Struchiner, Smita Sirker, Naoki Usui, & Takaaki Hashimoto, 2015, “Gettier Across Cultures”, Noûs, 51(3): 645–664. doi:10.1111/nous.12110

BLOK VI: Różnice międzygrupowe w innych intuicjach filozoficznych: płeć

  1. Buckwalter, W., & Stich, S. (2014). Gender and philosophical intuition. Experimental philosophy, 2, 307-346.
  2. Friesdorf, Rebecca, Paul Conway, & Bertram Gawronski, 2015, “Gender Differences in Responses to Moral Dilemmas: a Process Dissociation Analysis”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(5): 696–713. doi:10.1177/0146167215575731
  3. Seyedsayamdost, Hamid, 2015, “On Gender and Philosophical Intuition: Failure of Replication and Other Negative Results”, Philosophical Psychology, 28(5): 642–673. doi:10.1080/09515089.2014.893288
  4. Adleberg, Toni, Morgan Thompson, & Eddy Nahmias, 2015, “Do men and women have different philosophical intuitions? Further data”, Philosophical Psychology, 28(5): 615–641. doi:10.1080/09515089.2013.878834